Is it almost March already? The sunshine this week is a nice preview of some warmer spring weather (though, don’t worry, I’m well aware that there are likely some blizzards around the corner).

Our Worship and Religious Education theme for this month is Balance, which is interesting to explore in a world that seems to exist at ever-distant extremes. As I considered which hymn we would sing as a chalice lighting response this month, I thought about the line in hymn #34 Though I May Speak with Bravest Fire, “… and have not love, my words are vain, as sounding brass and hopeless gain.”

We always have to find a balance between our righteous anger at the world and our love for it, and between stating our moral positions clearly and finding some love in our hearts for those with whom we disagree. Student activists, immigration justice seekers, school-to-prison pipeline demolishers, water protectors, and legislators alike have all been in my prayers recently as we seek a way forward for our communities and our world.

This month will also bring another dimension in which we’re seeking balance — the church budget! Hooray! 

As the leaders of the congregation start to imagine what our budget might look like for the coming church year, we have to begin by asking our members and friends to make their financial commitments for the coming year. After worship on Sunday, March 4th, we’ll have time with our amazing Living Generously team! There will be delicious food and an opportunity to hear about all of the ways that you can keep the beacon lit here at the UU Church of Cheyenne.

Then, on Sunday, March 18th, we’ll have an all-ages celebration of our congregation’s generosity that will end with cake! It will be a joyous Sunday where we get to honor the gifts that all of us bring to this life-changing community.

I’m also thrilled that on Sunday, March 25th, our high school youth will be leading worship! I cannot wait to join the rest of y’all in the pews for a great Sunday with our youth up in the pulpit.

This world is heart-breaking and awe-inspiring and filled with possibility, friends. May we find a balance among these realities, this month and always.


In faith,

Rev. Hannah