Dear Members Friends, and Guests,
It has come to my attention that some of us have not held activities offered at UUCC Service Auctions prior to 2019, and that we are causing concern for the people who purchased those activities.
If you have offered an event (party, dinner, hike, etc.) at a UUCC Service Auction in years prior to 2019 and never held the event please contact me.
If you have purchased an event at a UUCC Service Auction prior to 2019 and never received what you paid for please contact me.
If I am the guilty culprit who owes you an Ice Cream Social, a backyard Soiree, a canoe/kayak party, or a flower hike then you don’t need to contact me. I am planning on catching up this Spring or Summer. These activities have been delayed due to weather, or other unforeseen circumstances.
I have a plan to make everyone happy, but I need to hear from you to accomplish this goal.
My contact info is 307.630.6192 or email at
Joe Corrigan |