Join us for worship this Sunday! As our Christian neighbors begin to mark the season of Lent, we will wonder together about the journeys we all take into the wilderness — whether literal or spiritual. All are welcome.

Upcoming Events

Wondering how to get more deeply connected at UUCC?
Join us March 7th from 6 – 8 pm for a night of reflection and conversation about how you can deepen your connections to our ministry! Whether you’re brand new and wondering how to make the first moves to get involved or you’ve been around for-ev-er and you’re looking to refresh your engagement at the congregation, this night is for you. We’ll engage in fellowship and guided spiritual reflection, and supper will be served, too!

RSVPs are welcomed (but not required) to Rev. Hannah at This night is appropriate for folks of all ages who can do independent reflection (written, drawn, or otherwise) and respect silence for at least 10 minutes at a time. If you will need child care during the event, please let Rev. Hannah know no later than Sunday, February 24th.

UUCC’s High School Youth Group are collecting aluminum cans for various organizations. Each month we will announce a new organization we plan to donate to. Please bring your clean, aluminum cans in and place them in the recycling container on Sundays. We’ll take it from there. THANK YOU!!!


OWL –  Our Whole Lives – We have about 17 youth and 7 adult volunteers from our congregation embarking on a journey through Our Whole Lives. UUCC is offering OWL for grades 4 – 9 this spring.

NEEDED – THE OWL 7th, 8th and 9th grades will have 2 overnights at our congregation in Cheyenne this spring. We need help from those in our congregation who might be willing to provide dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. Please contact Mary Scherden, DFD to sign up to help!!!!

Sign up to donate food for overnights here –

Dear Members Friends, and Guests,

It has come to my attention that some of us have not held activities offered at UUCC Service Auctions prior to 2019, and that we are causing concern for the people who purchased those activities.

If you have offered an event (party, dinner, hike, etc.) at a UUCC Service Auction in years prior to 2019 and never held the event please contact me.

If you have purchased an event at a UUCC Service Auction prior to 2019  and never received what you paid for please contact me.

If I am the guilty culprit who owes you an Ice Cream Social, a backyard Soiree, a canoe/kayak party, or a flower hike then you don’t need to contact me.  I am planning on catching up this Spring or Summer.  These activities have been delayed due to weather, or other unforeseen circumstances.

I have a plan to make everyone happy, but I need to hear from you to accomplish this goal.

My contact info is 307.630.6192 or email at


Joe Corrigan

UUCC members Tim Thorson and John Sanford will be moderating four Great Decision topics for the Laramie County Library in March. Each topic will include a short film with discussion to follow.

Great Decisions is America’s largest discussion program on foreign affairs. The mission of the Foreign Policy Association is to serve as a catalyst for developing awareness, understanding, and informed opinion on U.S. foreign policy and global issues.

To download the briefing book for each topic, visit

The discussions will be held from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm in the Willow Room of the Laramie County Library at 2200 Pioneer Avenue.

Topics by Date
March 14: Decoding US and China Trade
March 19: The Middle East and Regional Disorder
March 28: United States and Mexico: Partnership Tested.

Calendar of Events

Click here to see the calendar of upcoming events at UUCC! 

Staff Hours
Mary will be out of the office this Thursday (March, 7 2019) due to her organizing and attending the MDD -LREDA Spring Retreat in Boulder Colo where our group will be hosting a workshop with Sara Gibb-Milspaugh – Lifespan Faith Formation Specialist for the UUA Pacific Western Region. The workshop is titled “white fragility” based on the book White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo . During this retreat Mary will move into the Chair position of MDD – LREDA board and serve as such for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. Mary’s office hours will return to normal on Tuesday, March 12th.

On your Sunday (assigned by last name), please do one or more of the following:
    • Come early to help set up the social hall.
    • Bring a tray of prepared finger foods (and remember to take your tray and any leftover food home with you.)
  • Linger to help with cleanup!
First Sunday – A – F
Second Sunday – G – L
Third Sunday – M – R
Fourth Sunday – S – Z
Fifth Sunday – Everyone

9th-12th grade youth are invited to Mountain Desert District youth events. Please contact Jessy Hennesy, MDD Youth Conference Coordinator, with questions, at

April 12-14, 2019 – Spring Con, Foothills Unitarian Church, Fort Collins, Colorado

June 30-July 6 – QUUest Camp (and Spirit QUUest Camp for middle school youth), La Foret Conference and Retreat Center, Colorado Springs, Colorado


Do you need to submit an announcement for the weekly e-mail, UUCC This Week and Beyond… ?

    1. Submission deadline is Tuesday before 10 AM.
    1. Please submit announcements to
    1. Announcements on CD or hand-written/typed announcements should be delivered or mailed to the office and received by the due date.
    1. E-mail announcements are usually then included in the next Sunday order of service.
    1. Please remember that not all members/friends have or use email.
  1. If you are not receiving the weekly e-mail announcements, contact the office.

Do you need to submit an announcement for the Sunday service?

    1. Submission deadline is Sunday 10 AM to be read at the beginning of service.
    1. Please submit typed or hand-written announcements to the mailbox labeled Announcements in the hallway of the church.
  1. Announcements are then usually included in the next weekly e-mai

Peanut-Free Zone!
Please remember the church is a peanut free zone for safety of our members. We have members with severe peanut allergies and we want to have all our activities safe for them and any others with this allergy to be welcome.

Please remind others, and if you are bringing in a packaged item, check to ensure it was made in a peanut free environment. Let’s keep church a safe place for everyone!




Our mailing address is:
3005 Thomes Ave.
Cheyenne, WY 82001
(307) 638-4554

Email us!

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