Big Changes for Zoom meetings are happening behind the scenes at UU Cheyenne!

UUCC is doing some behind the scenes work to improve our Zoom capacity! This means a few important changes are here! 
  1. Most Zoom meetings have new links and meeting IDs, including Sunday morning worship. These new Zoom meetings also have passwords to help improve our Zoom security. The password is embedded in the click to join link, and it is listed in the invitation for those who need to use it to join by phone. The password will be different for different meetings. 
  2. If you need to schedule a meeting on Zoom, please email Tamra at to schedule use of the congregation’s Zoom. As a reminder, Tamra is in the physical office on Wednesdays and Sundays, and also working remotely on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please leave enough time for your meeting to get scheduled. 
  3. If you are leading a meeting on Zoom, you will need to get the Host Key from Tamra in order to claim your role as the meeting host. You can go to this YouTube video and watch the first minute and a half to see how to use the claim host function on Zoom. 
We offer many opportunities for worship and fellowship via Zoom. 
Sunday Mornings with UU Cheyenne

This Sunday, June 7th

Pride Was a Riot 

Is unrest destructive or productive? As protest and unrest erupt across our country, we’ll pause and reflect on the history of LGBTQ+ Pride Month, the Stonewall Riot, and how movements for liberation have dealt with police brutality and other state-sanctioned violence in our national history.


Meeting ID: 914 4080 5687
Password: 169340
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,91440805687# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,91440805687# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 914 4080 5687
Find your local number:

Wednesday Night Worship: Going Deeper

New Link for Wednesday Nights:

Meeting ID: 944 2896 8659
Password: 711746

One tap mobile
+16699006833,,94428968659# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,94428968659# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 944 2896 8659
Find your local number:

Thanks for all of you who have participated in the Friday spiritual practice sessions. For now, we’re going to stop doing them, though Wednesday night’s Going Deeper will keep going! Hopefully, we’ll start up some other spiritual practice or adult faith development opportunities soon. Thanks! 
Email and text scammers are continuing to target churches through this crisis. A member of our staff or lay leadership will never email or text you and instruct you to purchase gift cards. If you receive a suspicious request, please alert a staff member immediately. 
If you would like to donate to Share the Plate please check out our website page for Online Giving at
or you can mail a check to UUCC3005 Thomes Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001. Please be sure to note on the memo line that it is for Share the Plate. Thank you!
If you miss a Sunday service or would like to experience it again, check out the options below!
May 10th:—-May-10th–2020-edv6cn 

May 17th:—-Youth-Sunday–May-17th-eearrb

May 24th:—-May-24th–2020-eejjko
(due to technical difficulties, this is a partial recording of Camellia’s sermon)

May 31st:—-May-31st–2020-eeuubd 

We will run the most recent podcasts recordings going forward.The previous podcasts will be posted on our website soon.

Note: The podcasts are located on Spotify and you will need to create an account to listen. It is a free service, and you can opt out of emails from Spotify.

To signup for Spotify, either download the app from GooglePlay or Apple, or if you are on a computer, you can use this link
May 10th: 

May 17th: 

May 24th: 

May 31st: 

We will run the most recent Zoom recordings going forward.  Previous recordings will be posted on our website soon.

UUCC Faith Development News

Big news!!! SUUmmer PROGRAM Comming to UUCC July 2020 – Faith Development group will be introducing a church-wide program from the amazing writers of Soul Matters  Team called “Creating Sabbath Space”. This is a virtual, open-ended, self-paced, activity-driven program with fun UU history and traditions spread throughout. Each week we’ll have the opportunity to join together and share our opening/introduction for the week.  Then each household/family/individual will be emailed a packet to work on independently. A special Facebook page will be set up for UUCC participants to share ideas and pictures of our travels/experiences during our program. The program is 5 weeks with an optional 6th lesson at the end on grief. All sessions will be offered virtual/online and recordings can be accessed throughout the week. This program is offered for ALL UUCC members!!! UUCC is sponsoring this program and no additional fees with be requested.  Please send your contact info to Mary Scherden, DFD at Some mailed items may be sent and/or a possible church porch pick up may be arranged for program supplies. Keep an eye out for more details coming soon!!!! 

Mary Scherden, 
Director of Faith Development, She/Her/Hers
Chair – Mountain Desert District – LREDA


If you don’t have/use Facebook and would like an update via text or email, I can do that, send a note to me, Mary Scherden, Director of Faith Development at

Faith Development Zoom Options


Faith Development Young Adult and Parents/Caregivers Check-in and ThUUrsdays at 9am
Join Zoom Meeting


Kids & Youth Check-in: Calling all kids! Yoohoo!
Let’s get together and check-in ThUUrsday afternoons at 12 during LUNCH

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 848 6288 2732
Password: UUCCFD

Tuesday Coffee Chat at 8:00am is taking a break for now. Watch this space for updates in the future.
Calling all storybook readers – any age... Do you love telling stories? Faith Development is putting together a list of our members who enjoy acting, telling stories, or putting on a show for others? We need you! We’d like to have a group of people we can call on with these talents.  Any age readers/performer are welcome 🙂  Please send your name and contact info to Mary Scherden DFD at

Faith Development volunteers – Please plan to attend the virtual service on June 21st at UUCC where we will give thanks and honor your dedication to our youth throughout the past year. OUR VOLUNTEERS ROCK!!!!!!
Church Announcements
New UUCC Ministry!
Adopting a Segment of Crow Creek for Cleanup
The Committee on Shared Ministry, along with Mike Shonsey and Kathy Jenkins, have arranged for UUCC to adopt for cleanup the segment of Crow Creek that runs through Martin Luther King Park between 19th St. and Lincolnway and Missile Drive and Dey Ave.  We are looking for a third person to be a contact person and active participant in the project.  If you are that person, please contact Kathy – 630-3324;

The city of Cheyenne requires all of those who participate in the cleanup to sign an Assumption of Risk, Waiver & Release form.  Folks are not allowed to participate unless they sign the form.  Mike and Kathy will bring forms for those who wish to participate to the cleanup location on the scheduled date.  Mike and Kathy will also provide trash bags to all participants.

The next cleanup date is scheduled for Saturday, June 13 at 9:00 a.m.  We will meet in the parking lot off Ames (south of the softball field) Participants are encouraged to wear long pants, long sleeved shirts, suitable shoes (Mike and Kathy wear muck boots, but there is plenty of cleanup that does not involve getting wet) and a sun or ball cap.  Participants should also bring drinking water (it gets hot!).  A tool of some sort, such as a hoe or pitchfork, is helpful for snagging trash in the creek.

Kids under 14 years of age must be accompanied and supervised by an adult.
We need volunteers to help care for the lawn. It takes about 45 min – 1 hour to mow, and there is equipment for use in the shed. If you are interested, please contact Mike Kercher at 307-421-4819 or via email at  Thanks!
Website Updates!
Our Website Link:

1. If you are looking for information on how to join the Zoom worship offerings that we have, you can find the link to an informational page with all the Zoom info on our Website Under the Zoom button, which looks like a purple camera icon.

2. If you are looking for online giving, which can be used to contribute to the weekly offering, to donate to the church, or to pay your service auction fees, you can find all information under the Online Giving link, which looks like a green gear.

3, If you want to find information on pledging, including the Pledge Form and Authorization form, you can find all information under the Pledge Link, which looks like a green asterisk.

If you have any problems with the website, please contact Tamra at  Thank you!

During our building closure, our essential staff and volunteers have been issued keys for their work. Once our building is re-opening, we will reach out with a process to request keys for those who need them. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Board President Caroljean Bongo at Thanks! 
Looking for current updates? Check out our Facebook Page

You can also connect with our Faith Development group on Facebook 

If you are looking for an additional online worship experience, click here to check out the UU Church of the Larger Fellowship. They have online worship every Sunday evening at 6 pm Mountain Time. 
If you have any Joys, Concerns, Personal Congratulations (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Graduations, etc.) that you would like to share with the Congregation, please email the administrator at The newsletter is published every Wednesday at noon, so submissions must be received by 10am Tuesday morning to be in that week’s newsletter.

Please Note:
  • If you would like your submission to run more than one week, please include that in your email.
  • If you would like your submission included in that Sunday’s Joys and Concerns section of the service, please include this in your email; otherwise it will only be in the newsletter. 
Thank you!
Cheyenne’s Day of Giving was replaced with a virtual “day’ that has been extended. If you want to check out their Facebook page or website, the links are below. They list the organizations they assist, and all help is appreciated. 


If you have students in the Laramie District, they are eligible for free breakfast and lunch. Schools are dispensing meals in the morning and at lunchtime.  This site holds information on the school programs with times and places you can pick-up meals.  There is more information for food banks and other services as well. 
Link to Zoom site:

Our friends down at Foothills UU in Fort Collins have put together some great resources about how to access Zoom. Check them out here. 

From Gene Heater:

During the pandemic while the church is closed to physical gatherings,  I am hosting online meditation sessions via Zoom.

These sessions are recurring so the same link/URL works each week for each session.




I have cancelled the Sunday morning session as I am planning to attend the Prairie Mountain Zen Center session.  You are welcome to join me.  Their schedule is:
8:30 am zazen,
8:50 kinhin (walking meditation)
9 am zazen
9:20 am break
10:30 am Dharma Talk and discussion;

Here is the link  PMZC – Sunday Morning
You are welcome to attend all or part of the session

There is also  a Thursday evening session at PMZC
6:30 pm zazen;
7:00 kinhin and break:
7:10 to 8:00 pm or so for open discussion/check in.   

Here is the link   PMZC – Thursday Evening

Hope you will join us.


If you would like to receive Audrey’s weekly updates, please email the administrator for Audrey’s email address.  

Yoga Links:

Bird and Bell Sangha that normally meditates here In Cheyenne two mornings and one evening each week. The leader, Gene Heater, said that any of you are welcome to join in, and that although they generally practice in the Zen Buddhist style, meditators of all traditions (and those new to meditation) are welcomed.  Here are those links: 
Bird and Bell – Tuesday Morning Meditation 7:15 465 362 885
Bird and Bell – Wednesday Meditation 6:00 pm 420 507 564
Bird and Bell – Thursday Morning Meditation 7:15 586 281 525

Asana with Audrey:
Tuesdays at Noon
Time: Tuesdays, 12:00-1 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
To join the class, click:
Meeting ID: 587 187 118
If you want to have reminders, please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Weekly:
Or you can dial in, using one of the following numbers:
        +1 253 215 8782 US
        +1 301 715 8592 US
Meeting ID: 587 187 118 (Tues noon); 978 901 998 (Tues eve); 136 251 614 (chair yoga); 595 183 461 (Wed. noon)
Relaxing Evening Yoga
Time: Tuesdays, 05:30-6:45 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
To join the class, click:
Meeting ID: 978 901 998
If you want to have reminders, please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Weekly:
Chair Yoga
Time: Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
To join the class, click:
Meeting ID: 136 251 614
If you want to have reminders, please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.  Weekly:
Wednesday Noon Yoga
Time: Wednesdays, 12:00-1:15 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
To join the class, click:
Meeting ID: 595 183 461
If you want to have reminders, please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.  Weekly:

On Thursdays, Terri will be leading “Yoga for Real Peoplea gentle practice, often using props such as bolsters, straps, and/or blankets)
Time: Thursdays at noon, for 50 minutes
To join the class, click:
Meeting ID: 279 171 348
On Fridays, there are two worthwhile practices at noon to choose from:
~Spiritual Practice with Rev. Hanna Villnave of the Universal Universalist Church of Cheyenne:
“Fridays from 12:00-12:30 pm, Rev. Hannah will facilitate an opportunity for a spiritual practice over Zoom. It might be a guided meditation, a sacred reading practice, or some other way to tend to our spirits.”
or phone in, using one of these numbers, and the meeting ID:        
        +1 253 215 8782 US
        +1 301 715 8592 US
Meeting ID: 374 681 354

Yin yoga with Jill Lovato of Blossom Yoga:
Payment:  The Bird and Bell Meditation, Terri’s Thursday class, and Friday’s spiritual practice are completely free of charge.  In these times of economic uncertainty, Audrey’s classes are offered regardless of a person’s ability to pay.  So it will be on a voluntary donation basis as to if and how much people are willing or able to contribute. For those who wish to do so, donations can be done via PayPal or mail.  You can donate for a single class, or for several classes at once, whatever is easiest for you.
Mail:   Audrey Bunten; 300 E. Prosser Rd. #108; Cheyenne, WY 82007
And finally, something to make Mondays a lot nicer: 
Mondays at 7pm, Blossom Yoga is offering Yoga Nidra, with Emilie Comeau Chen.  This is the deep relaxing practice some of you experienced with Natalie Vernon a few months ago.  For more information and to register, you can go to Blossom’s webpage, class schedule, or facebook:
Blossom’s classes are offered at reasonable studio rates.  See their webpages for more information.
I hope to see you in one or more of the classes! 
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via email or phone/text (307) 630-3068.
This is an anxious time financially, for individuals and organizations alike. If you are able, UUCC values and appreciates your continued support through this time. If you typically put cash or a check in the offering plate on Sunday mornings, please consider mailing that donation to the church, giving via our website, or giving via our mobile giving app.

If your financial situation changes and you need to adjust an automatic deduction, please email for more information.

If you find yourself in need of emergency financial assistance, please email Rev. Hannah at or call/text her at 414-870-1028. 
Important! Please Read!

We have been experiencing a growing issue with peanut residue in the building, especially in the library.  Please, do not bring peanut products into the building, and if your little ones enjoy their peanut butter snacks before coming, please be sure their hands are clean before they touch surfaces used by everyone.  We are seeing almost daily allergic reactions, so we ask you to please be diligent. It may be an inconvenience to you, but it can be life-threatening to those who are allergic. 

Upcoming Events

Click here to see the calendar of upcoming events at UUCC! 

You will notice some changes to the calendar.  All cancelled events are noted on the calender, and I have added the Zoom meetings that we’ve announced. All Zoom events are in light green.

  The information on how to join the Zoom meeting is in the description of the event. If you have any questions, please contact me. 

Hopefully these changes will help you easily find
the information you need.

Tamra, your administrator

Do you need to submit an announcement for the weekly e-mail, UUCC This Week and Beyond… ?

Submission deadline for newsletter announcements is
 Tuesday before 12 pm.
  • Please submit announcements to
  • Announcements on CD or hand-written/typed announcements should be delivered or mailed to the office and received by the due date.
  • If requested, your announcement will be included in the next Sunday bulletin; however, please remember that space on the printed bulletin is limited, and church events are given priority.
  • Please remember that not all members/friends have or use email.
  • If you are not receiving the weekly e-mail announcements, contact the office.

Do you need to submit an announcement for the Sunday service?

  1. Submission deadline is Sunday 9:00 AM to be read at the beginning of service.
  2. Please submit typed or hand-written announcements to the mailbox labeled Announcements in the hallway of the church.
  3. Announcements are then usually included in the next newsletter.
Our mailing address is:
3005 Thomes Ave.
Cheyenne, WY 82001
(307) 638-4554

Email us!

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