The members of the Faith Development committee would like to invite you, the members of the congregation, to consider committing some of your time and talent to our children and youth in the cooperative Sunday Faith Development program, Summer of Seuss! We are gently reminding all our members of the promise we make to welcome, care for, teach, and bless our children. We’d love to have MORE people volunteering in our with our Faith Development Team!!!
Our request is simple: Join one of the teaching teams and commit one or two Sundays this summer (June -Aug) to teaching a one-hour activity and lesson. Teacher-friendly, UU Seuss based curriculum and materials are provided. Just half hour of preparation the week before is all it takes. Our Director of Faith Development will provide guidance and support. Teaching is a rewarding and fun experience: You’ll learn and grow yourself!
Follow the link to our Summer of Seuss schedule of books and special Maker-space Sunday. Sign up for as many dates as your schedule will allow. All you need to do is add your name and an email to the open dates.