
Help Us Bloom!

Give now to support the work of UUCC


Why give to UUCC?



Funding allows us to have a minister, worship services, religious education, social justice, and FUN!


Develop Community

UUCC serves as a sanctuary for liberal religious seekers in a very conservative landscape.


Ensure our Future

We give to ensure that the church and its resources are here for us and others now and in the future.


We Share

Half of every Sunday collection is shared with non-profits who work for change in our community and world.

Giving to UUCC

REALM, our church management system, processes contributions. Members and friends are invited to create an account and begin to take advantage of the functions available through this system. Contact the Bookkeeping Team for an invitation.

One important function of the REALM system is the ability to offer several different ways for you to contribute electronically to the support of our church. Not only is electronic giving convenient and secure, but it also has a positive impact on the environment by eliminating the resources that are consumed in the production, transportation, processing, and disposal of paper checks. 

You do not need an account in REALM to give, unless you wish to set up a pledge or recurring donation.

  • Enter the amount you want to give, select a fund, frequency and start date, and enter your email address
  • Click Give and enter your payment method

Text Giving

  • Text “UUCC” to 73256
  • Click the link you receive in your text message response
  • Follow the prompts. Text giving saves your payment method so you can quickly give again

Recurring Donations

  • Set it up yourself in Realm either on the website or your app. You must have an account to set up a recurring payment. Click on Giving to get started
  • Have our Bookkeeping team set it up. Start by downloading and completing the Authorization form. Return it by mail, or drop it in the box on the Administrator's door.


  • Commit to a pledge and help us budget
  • Pledges are Evergreen, meaning they roll over from year to year, unless you opt out.
  • Pledge anytime, and make changes anytime.
  • 2024 Pledge Form


Wondering how much to give?

Many factors go into making this very personal decision. You might consider:

  • the value and importance of the church and its work in your life
  • your personal financial situation
  • supporting a liberal community in a conservative landscape


Where does the money go?

Pledge and other revenue sources (rental, investment, fundraising, donations) support our worship and music programs, our religious education program, programs for members and friends, community outreach, and connections to Unitarian Universalism. Our budget reflects our mission and vision.


Who stewards UUCC's funds?

All of us! The congregation sets the budget each year.

  • The Board has fiduciary responsibility for ensuring that the church's funds are spent in accordance with our mission.
  • The Finance Committee oversees expenditures and makes recommendations to the Board.
  • The Bookkeeping team handles day to day processing of expenditures and income.
  • The Financial Review Committee reviews our financial policies and ensures we are implementing them every year.



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