Ministry Teams & Committees

Ministry Teams and Committees

These groups support various ministries for our own and the wider community.

Committee on Shared Ministry

The Committee on Shared Ministry is an elected team, whose mission is to pay attention to and support the ministries of the church, both lay and professional. We work to listen to ministry leaders and make sure they have what they need for success, and we work to make new ministry ideas possible when there is an idea that has congregational support. The COSM works in partnership with the Board overseeing the ministries of the church.

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Worship Team

The Worship Team plans and supports our Sunday services, which includes arranging for high-quality worship services when the Minister is not leading a service.

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Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care at UUCC exists to provide help and support to our members. This group strives to provide comfort and care to members who are home-bound, providing food or transportation to those who are ill, visiting people in the hospital, assisting each other through life transitions, helping with memorial services, generally keeping the minister aware of the pastoral needs of the church, and listening to friends. We provide meals, cards, home and hospital visits, care and assistance to anyone in need. If you or someone you know could benefit from these services, please contact Reverend Elizabeth Mount at 307-638-4554 or

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Fun & Fellowship

The Fun and Fellowship Committee plans and arranges for church-wide social functions, coordinates coffee, tea, and refreshments after Sunday services, and assists with coordinating receptions after memorial services.

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COMEA House Dinners

COMEA House Dinners serves dinner in support of the COMEA shelter and its work with the unhoused.

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Faith Development

Faith Development is responsible for the philosophy, content, and implementation of religious education programs for our children and youth.

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Social Justice Taskforce

The Social Justice Taskforce wants UUCC to be a force in the community, both as a place where community events happen and as a congregation that is involved in justice work. 

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