Governance Committees & Teams

Governance Teams

Learn more about how our church is run

A church is its people. Work with us to make it yours.

Learn more about how our church is governed and how you can get involved! Please fill out the contact form or contact our administrator for more information on any of these committees.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is an elected group who sets the vision of the church in collaboration with the congregation and the minister. The Board handles the governance and fiduciary aspects of UUCC, including managing the church’s property and conducting its business affairs. The Board works in partnership with the COSM and other church committees and teams. The Board meets on first Tuesdays at 6:30 on Zoom. Meetings are open to church members and friends.

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Finance Committee

Finance oversees all financial matters for the church and makes recommendations to the Board on expenditures, budgets, and financial policy. Finance committee meets the third Thursday of every month at 4:15 in the Church Library. Church members and friends are invited to attend.

Buildings & Grounds

The Building and Grounds Committee maintains and improves the church grounds, structures, and property.


Fundraising plans fun activities that raise money for the church through special events and projects. They annually host the Service Auction, a fun evening open to the public, which offers many fun events and beautiful and delicious items to purchase. Most years, they also host a garage sale. They are always looking for help and new ideas to make money for the church while having fun!


The Membership Committee is responsible for the enrollment of new members by providing for the registration of visitors and guests and by following up with those interested in membership.

Leadership Development

Leadership Development, appointed by the Board, is a team whose focus is on developing the leadership qualities of all members. While the LDT does a) recruit members for elected leadership, and b) recruits team members for committees of the Board, the LDT also runs workshops for church leaders and all members at various points in the year and meets year-round.


This elected committee manages the church's reserve funds and invests them.

Compensation & Benefits

This ad hoc committee of the Board reviews and recommends personnel policy, benefit packages and compensation. Recommendations are forwarded to the Finance Committee and Board as needed. This committee meets on an as needed basis.

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