COMEA House Dinners

COMEA Dinners

One of our longest ministries is support for the unhoused.

Serve in the Community

COMEA House serves as a multi-level shelter for men, women, and families. They currently have 5 programs available. More information can be found here: Clients at the shelter may receive everything from Emergency Shelter to participation in Destination Housing, which helps residents secure and maintain employment and obtain a home.

Once each month, UUCC provides volunteers to serve dinner and companionship to our community members. The program serves shelter residents, as well as anyone else who need a hot meal.

For more information, visit the COMEA House website.

The UU Church of Cheyenne has long provided meals for those residing at the COMEA and have embraced doing so again. As we continue to offer our care to those who need kind words and a friendly face, Will you join us in this work?

Those serving at COMEA’s Dinner Parties can work each month, or even once every couple of months. We need 3-6 servers to host each evening. If you’re interested, please watch for upcoming dates in the newsletter and/or sign up and Laurie Magill will be in touch with you.

The sign-up sheet is in Social Hall.

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