Join us this Sunday for our annual Backpack Blessing!  Karla Moore will lead our service, bringing her wisdom and insight on how everything we need to know we learned in kindergarten. Bring your backpack, briefcase, lunchbox, tote bag, or satchel to be blessed as get ready to start a new school year!

It is with a heavy heart that I inform you of the passing of Rowena (Bitsy) Heckert.  She was a long time member here in Cheyenne.  She passed on August 2, in Austin, TX. Please hold her family in your prayers. 
Important! Please Read!

We have been experiencing a growing issue with peanut residue in the building, especially in the library.  Please, do not bring peanut products into the building, and if your little ones enjoy their peanut butter snacks before coming, please be sure their hands are clean before they touch surfaces used by everyone.  We are seeing almost daily allergic reactions, so we ask you to please be diligent. It may be an inconvenience to you, but it can be life-threatening to those who are allergic. 

Dumbledore’s Army – This year all our wizards and witches, muggles and squibs (along with our entire congregation) will be joining efforts with Cheyenne’s own Ice Cream Island and other UU congregations all over the world to combat illiteracy. Dumbledore’s Army will be collecting gently used or new children’s books (especially infant board books)  to be given to families with young children, to encourage reading and to help fight the Illiteracy Horcrux. Please bring any NEW/GENTLY used books into the church and drop them in a book box by the entrances after Aug 11, 2019. Thank you so much for helping our chapter of Dumbledore’s Army fight against illiteracy! 

In years past, the Cheyenne community has had several organizations that collected school supplies, backpacks, and shoes for kids in anticipation of the new school year. Several of these organization have decided to stop organizing their efforts around “Back to School” in exchange for other areas of need. We, in Faith Development, are hoping to pick up the slack for at least a few of these families. Our goal is to collect enough backpacks and supplies for 10 children.

LCSD1 School Supplies List

LCSD1 school supply lists are standardized for ALL grade levels K-6. The following list will be used for every elementary school in LCSD1:

  • 1 box of #2 pencils (24 count)

  • 2 boxes of tissue

  • 4 glue sticks

  • 1 box of fat washable markers (10 count)

  • 1 box of crayons

  • 2 large erasers

  • 1 backpack

We NEED 10 of each!

Please Help, donate what you can. 




  • Please bring Finger Foods to share
  • No Peanuts/Peanut product items
  • Please come early to help set up
  • Please stay a few minutes afterward to help clean up
  • Don’t forget to take home any trays and/or leftovers
Thanks to you for making our Coffee Hour Fantastic!

Upcoming Events

Click here to see the calendar of upcoming events at UUCC! 

Registration – Faith Development

All infants, children, youth and teacher/assistants will be signing in and out through our NEW registration system. Next week we will begin registering everyone LIVE. Watch for details!!! If your child EVER attends anything (including nursery) you will be required to fill out a registration form prior to the youth attending class. Computers will be available at church to access the registration system beginning Aug 18th. Please contact Mary Scherden, DFD @ 307-638-4554 x 12 or with any questions. 

Are you cleaning out your crafting closet?   Are you, like me, a collector of random bottles/containers that I keep thinking I will reuse, but don’t? Faith Development is seeking donations of the following:

  • Embroidery thread
  • Felt
  • Wicker baskets
  • Unique shaped containers/bottles
The shape of containers/bottles/baskets is unimportant.  We are grateful for any assistance you can provide.  Please contact Mary Scherden, or you can drop supplies off at the Administrator’s office during office hours.

Looking toward next year in UUCC Faith Development – Please consider spending a Sunday with our UU youth. We’ll have Spirit Play up and running for our youth ages 3 years to 3rd grade, and our Harry Potter and the UU Curriculum for ages 4th grade – adult. Leaders and assistants sign up for one or two Sundays per month. If you are interested, contact Mary Scherden, DFD at or call 307-638-4554 x12 
UUCC Youth Groups – Our UUCC Youth Groups are taking a break during the summer months. If you’re interested in planning a group event, contact Mary Scherden, DFD at or call 307-638-4554 x12
The Adult Faith Development group is looking for sessions and discussion leaders for this fall. 

Do you have knowledge about a world religion or UU history that you might be interested in sharing? Is there a big idea (death, birth, transition) that you have knowledge or experience of and would be interested in facilitating a discussion session on? Is there a spiritual practice you do that you would be interested in teaching?

Sessions are scheduled for the hour after morning service beginning in September, and they are geared to adults. If you are interested, please get in touch with Rev Hannah or Camellia (307-631-6039 or 

Please fill out the link below if you are interested in working with kids ages 6 months – 3 years (Sometimes 5 years) in the nursery. Nursery providers usually work Sunday mornings, 9:45 am to 12:30pm and occasionally during other evening/daytimes hours as needed.


Community Events & Information

For details please see the Board in the Social Hall, contact Carol Bowles, or the FP staff at (307) 772-8770.  Here is the link to the Event page on the Cheyenne Family Promise website:

900 Central Ave. Cheyenne, WY 82007 (307) 632-4132

Needs Inc. Is partnering with Operation Back-to-School to provide school supplies and age-specific hygiene items.  Backpacks will be distributed August 15-17 this year, but they welcome donations year-round in anticipation of this event.

They welcome supplies for all age groups; however, please remember our Faith Development team is gathering donations for 10 elementary students. If you would like to donate for secondary students or provide hygiene items, the lists are given below:

LCSD1 Secondary Students:

  • Backpacks
  • Pencils (#2 and mechanical)
  • Ballpoint pens (Blue/Black/Red)
  • Colored Pencils
  • Pocket Folders
  • Tabbed Dividers
  • Highlighters
  • Notebook Paper (College Ruled)
  • Composition Notebooks
  • Index Cards (3×5 lined)

Hygiene Items:

  • Deodorant
  • Shampoo & Conditioner
  • Body wash/Bar soap
  • Feminine Products (Tampons/Pads)
  • Tooth brush/tooth paste
  • Hair comb/brush
  • Washcloth/Loofah
  • Lotion

They also raise awareness and/or support through fundraisers or Food Drives (such as the one pictured above at Natural Foods this Thursday). There is more information on their website if you are interested in hosting an event.


Just a note to let you know that the Church office hours have changed.  

Do you need to submit an announcement for the weekly e-mail, UUCC This Week and Beyond… ?

  1. Submission deadline is Tuesday before 10 AM.
  2. Please submit announcements to
  3. Announcements on CD or hand-written/typed announcements should be delivered or mailed to the office and received by the due date.
  4. E-mail announcements are usually then included in the next Sunday order of service.
  5. Please remember that not all members/friends have or use email.
  6. If you are not receiving the weekly e-mail announcements, contact the office.

Do you need to submit an announcement for the Sunday service?

  1. Submission deadline is Sunday 10 AM to be read at the beginning of service.
  2. Please submit typed or hand-written announcements to the mailbox labeled Announcements in the hallway of the church.
  3. Announcements are then usually included in the next weekly e-mai
Our mailing address is:
3005 Thomes Ave.
Cheyenne, WY 82001
(307) 638-4554

Email us!

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