Unitarian Universalist
Church of Cheyenne

A community of refuge where all have equal worth and are invited into spiritual exploration as a foundation for: 
hope. compassionate service. action. 

Relaunching our Religious Education Committee
and our Faith Development Program
Friends, families, kids, teens, and everybody!

We are so excited to FINALLY be relaunching our Religious Education Committee and our Faith Development program here at the UU Church of Cheyenne! It’s been a little while since we were able to meet in the classrooms downstairs, to join together in fellowship and to make art, play games, and find our path toward our values together through stories and discussions.

We’d like to have you register so we know what you need!

Here’s a little bit about the program:
•    RE Classes will happen on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month.
•    Teachers will take the children downstairs to the Rainbow Room as the worship service closes at 11am and runs until 11:45am, when children will return to the social hall.
•    Your kids will get a snack of goldfish crackers and water or juice (unless you let us know of an allergy that requires a different snack item).
What is Religious Education Class like? 
Each class session includes: 
•    Circle time with a chalice, then
•  Movement Space 
• Maker Space 
•    and Meditation Space 
Kids can switch between the spaces and spend 10 or 15 minutes at each one or spend their entire time in one space that they would most like to concentrate upon.

As we’re starting out, we are going to be working primarily with the elementary cohort for Sundays. Ages 5-12 are our primary focus for Sunday RE programming. 
Not between 5-12 years old? That’s ok! 
If your kids are a little younger, they are still welcome, but you may want to come with them once or twice to make sure they are able to figure out the flow. 
Older teens are welcome to stay as volunteer helpers if that’s more interesting than coffee hour. Just know that the stories may feel a bit simplistic to teens.

What about the Adults?
•    We invite parents to relax, have some coffee and a snack, chat in the social hall, or move to the library for conversations about parenting and faith. 
•    All church members and friends are welcome to volunteer with RE, just ask an RE Committee member to have a conversation and get you set up in a role you’ll enjoy.
•    Adults who would like to deepen their own spiritual development should watch the newsletter for upcoming classes: 
o    UU History, 
o    Theology, 
o    conversations on Death and Grief, 
o    a Pathway to Membership class, 
o    and a book club, are all launching throughout the Spring. 

In addition, Wellspring will have openings for a new spiritual development cohort in the Fall, Beloved Conversations for anti-racism work will be available online in a Fall session, and a new chalice circle for reflective conversations may open in the Fall as well.

If you’re an adult, we invite patience, but if you have kids… well, have you registered yet?!? Our RE classes start on Sunday! We look forward to having you there. 

In faith and love,
Rev. Elizabeth and the whole fabulous RE Committee (Rhonda, Amy, Mark, Marcie, Andy, Sharon and Jessica)