Love is the Spirit of this church

Come as you are. Nourish your spirit. Bless the world.


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Welcome to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Cheyenne, where we are creating a community of refuge where all have equal worth and are invited into spiritual exploration as a foundation for: 


compassionate service. action.

Our faith is based in love, believes in the inherent worth and dignity of every person, and welcomes all people, no matter who you love, or how you choose to express yourself.


New Website!

 Please enjoy our new website. It continues to be under construction. If you have pictures that would fit somewhere, or suggestions, please send to 


 There's a lot happening at church right now! Check out the event page for more information.


A heart filled with love has no room for hate.


Our Vision

Our church fosters connection and community, because we believe that we’re stronger together.


Our Vision

Our church rejoices in the diversity of human experience and expression, because we believe that there are many paths to wholeness.


Our Vision

Our church embraces questions and curiosity, because we believe that divine truth is unfolding. 


Our Vision

Our church works on loving one another as we are, because we believe that each person is worthy, holy, and beloved right now.

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