Join us to celebrate Pride with a Sunday of music, word, and delight! We’ll wonder together about how our LGBTQ community is an example of beautiful resistance in our world. All are welcome!

Come and join our special Pride Choir just for this Sunday’s service! We’ll be singing Seasons of Love. Drop into rehearsal at UUCC on Wednesday night from 7 to 8, or Sunday morning from 9:30-10 to sing during service at 10:30. All are welcome! Bring a friend!

Upcoming Events

We would like to announce the growing of the UUCC family. Cheyenne natives Josh and his son signed the membership book Sunday June 2nd. They were first drawn to UUCC by the inclusive environment. Josh plans on getting involved with our music program with his harp!

Please join us in welcoming them both!
June 9 – Great Day for Up
June 30 – I Am Not Going to Get Up Today
July 21 – What Was I Scared of?
July 28 – The Sneetches
August 11- Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?

Our request is simple: Join one of the teaching teams and commit one or two Sundays this summer (June -Aug) to teaching a one-hour activity and lesson. Teacher-friendly, UU Seuss based curriculum and materials are provided. Just half hour of preparation the week before is all it takes. Our Director of Faith Development will provide guidance and support. Teaching is a rewarding and fun experience: You’ll learn and grow yourself!

Follow the link to our Summer of Seuss schedule of books and special Maker-space Sunday. Sign up for as many dates as your schedule will allow. All you need to do is add your name and an email to the open dates.


Join Wyoming Equality and others at the annual Pride in the Park picnic! Please bring side dishes to share! More details here

–We are going to put together a UUCC Favorite Mac and Cheese Cookbook and are inviting everyone who has a favorite Mac and Cheese recipe to email it to Mary at We’ll have it ready for sale at the Garage Sale in June. All proceeds will be donated in the name of the Faith Development Dept to UUCC. 

Thank you so much for participating in our contest and for voting for your favorite recipe!!!! 

–Faith Development Garage Sale – June 15th
Please begin bring in your donations mid May. Donations may be left on the stage in the Social Hall. Please Contact Mary at (307) 220-2096 or Sara for more information 286-5696

–There will also be a plant sale from 7:30-noon!  People who want to split perennials or share seedlings should call Birgitt (214-7425) and coordinate drop off.  

–WE NEED YOU!!!! WE NEED TEACHERS!!! Please spread the word. As a UU congregation we are asked to help support our youth and the youth programs, this is a great way to test out your teaching abilities. No experience is necessary (must pass a background check and have been attending our congregation for about 6 months or more, depending on the situation. Contact Mary for more guidelines pertaining to Safe Congregation Best Practices). You’ll be teamed with a seasoned instructor for a 35 – 45 minute, pre planned lesson. All the supplies and instructions are provided. Summer of Seuss is a “One Room Schoolhouse” style class for k – 6th grades. The Faith Development Committee tries really hard to give our regular year round teachers a little break during the summer. We ask teachers to team up with a community member who is willing to share one or two Sunday’s a summer to lead our FD youth through this amazing adventure. We really need extra sets of hands to help make this a super fun Summer of Seuss!!!

Open Dates include –

June 9th

June 30th

July 7

July 21

July 28

August 11

Please contact Mary or click here to sign up

–Harry Potter Summer Camp – Save the Date – August 12 -16th

This is a week long experience for youth ages 1st – 12th grades. Last year we had over 30 volunteers donate close to 1500 hours to make this camp a success. Camp 2018 served approximately 35 youth with 12 of those youth coming from outside our congregation. Every year, planning for camp starts in Feb or March. An astonishing amount of manpower hours goes into organizing and putting together this yearly event. After much consideration it has been decided that our full day camp will move back to a ½ day camp to accommodate our budget and our staff constraints as well as sustainability considerations. Camp this year will be 9 – 12 (with an optional lunch hour 12-1pm for pick up and games), Monday through Friday, August 12-16th.

Do you make the best chili in town?? Do you love helping the church AND winning money?? Do you just love eating chili?

Come join Fun & Fellowship for a Chili Cook-Off Fundraiser Sunday, June 16th after service. If you would like to enter bring your best chili and a $10 entry fee. If you would like to eat some delicious chili bring your money to vote! $5 gets you 5 tickets to vote! Winner gets a $50 gift card and bragging rights for the best chili in town! 
UUCC’s High School Youth Group are collecting aluminum cans for various organizations. Each month we will announce a new organization we plan to donate to. Please bring your clean, aluminum cans in and place them in the recycling container on Sundays. We’ll take it from there. THANK YOU!!!

Calendar of Events

Click here to see the calendar of upcoming events at UUCC! 
If you would like to help plan this years annual church picnic, please contact Thomas Redding at 307-640-6038 to get on the committee!
On your Sunday (assigned by last name), please do one or more of the following:
  • Come early to help set up the social hall. 
  • Bring a tray of prepared finger foods (and remember to take your tray and any leftover food home with you.)
  • Linger to help with cleanup! 
First Sunday – A – F
Second Sunday – G – L
Third Sunday – M – R
Fourth Sunday – S – Z
Fifth Sunday – Everyone 

9th-12th grade youth are invited to Mountain Desert District youth events. Please contact Jessy Hennesy, MDD Youth Conference Coordinator, with questions, at

June 30-July 6 – QUUest Camp (and Spirit QUUest Camp for middle school youth), La Foret Conference and Retreat Center, Colorado Springs, Colorado 


Do you need to submit an announcement for the weekly e-mail, UUCC This Week and Beyond… ?

  1. Submission deadline is Tuesday before 10 AM.
  2. Please submit announcements to
  3. Announcements on CD or hand-written/typed announcements should be delivered or mailed to the office and received by the due date.
  4. E-mail announcements are usually then included in the next Sunday order of service.
  5. Please remember that not all members/friends have or use email.
  6. If you are not receiving the weekly e-mail announcements, contact the office.

Do you need to submit an announcement for the Sunday service?

  1. Submission deadline is Sunday 10 AM to be read at the beginning of service.
  2. Please submit typed or hand-written announcements to the mailbox labeled Announcements in the hallway of the church.
  3. Announcements are then usually included in the next weekly e-mai
Peanut-Free Zone!
Please remember the church is a peanut free zone for safety of our members. We have members with severe peanut allergies and we want to have all our activities safe for them and any others with this allergy to be welcome.

Please remind others, and if you are bringing in a packaged item, check to ensure it was made in a peanut free environment. Let’s keep church a safe place for everyone!
Our mailing address is:
3005 Thomes Ave.
Cheyenne, WY 82001
(307) 638-4554

Email us!

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