Membership in a Unitarian Universalist congregation is a journey, not a destination. Ours is a covenantal rather than creedal faith. As individuals, we are invited into a shared journey of co-creation in our congregations, and being a member is to claim and community and be claimed by it in return. It is a living relationship with responsibilities and blessings. We are called to love, learn, and serve on our journey into membership.

For questions please contact CamilleĀ 


Stepping Onto the Path

When you first begin exploring the Unitarian Universalist Church of Cheyenne, you most likely will attend Sunday worship.

Sunday ServicesĀ 

Our worship services are at 10:00 am on Sunday mornings. You are welcome to “come as you are.” You will find that some folks dress nicely for church, but most dress casually. Jeans and shorts are more common than dresses and ties.

We understand that attending a new church can be a little daunting. Our services run approximately an hour and 15 minutes at the most. Then the service consists of music, readings, and a sermon. Our format, though lively, is similar to other Protestant traditions – though we draw on all the world’s great religious traditions for our sources.

New to UU – on the second Sunday of each month, Rev. Elizabeth invites those who are visiting
and any newer friends of this congregation to the library for snacks and a short
introduction to the congregation. This is a chance to hear more about what
Unitarian Universalism is, to ponder how this faith might fit with your life, and find out what our church’s purpose is in the world. We invite and encourage your questions in a shared quest for meaning.

Path to Membership Classes

Once you are ready to explore membership with us, you are invited to take one of our Path to Membership classes. These classes will help you become familiar with our church, basic UU history, our conventional faith, and the meaning of membership.

After Membership

Membership is, as we said, a journey. After you become a member, we encourage you to think in 3D about your involvement:

  • LOVE: participate in relationship-building – by attending church regularly, making friends, participating in social activities offered;
  • LEARN: continue to explore your faith, through classes and workshops and in small group settings;
  • SERVE: choose one church team or a project each year to help sustain our church home, and get involved in at least one work of justice we are doing to improve and serve our community.

We hope that your presence among us will be a lifelong journey of love and service, with people who make you proud to call yourself a Unitarian Universalist!