
The faith development of our children has always been an integral part of the life of this congregation. We are blessed to have a rich history of support for a strong and creative program. Church members and friends devote much time, energy and love to nurture the spirituality of our children. Our congregation truly embraces the fact that our children are the future

Our 7 Principles

Every aspect of our program is designed to teach our children to explore their world through the seven principles of Unitarian Universalism in a language they can understand

  1. Each person is important
  2. Be kind in all you do
  3. We’re free to learn together
  4. And search for what is true
  5. All people need a voice
  6. Build a fair and peaceful world
  7. We care for our planet earth

6 Sources

We affirm and promote the seven Principles, which we hold as strong values and moral guides. We live out these Principles within a “living tradition” of wisdom and spirituality, drawn from sources as diverse as science, poetry, scripture, and personal experience. These are the six sources we draw from for all of our lessons and activities within the Faith Development program:

  1. Our Unitarian Universalist beliefs come from the sense of wonder we all share.
  2. Our Unitarian Universalist beliefs come from the women and men of long ago and today whose lives remind us to be kind and fair.
  3. Our Unitarian Universalist beliefs come from the ethical and spiritual wisdom of the world’s religions.
  4. Our Unitarian Universalist beliefs come from the Jewish and Christian teachings that tell us to love all others as we love ourselves.
  5. Our Unitarian Universalist beliefs come from the use of reason and the discoveries of science.
  6. Our Unitarian Universalist beliefs come from the harmony of nature and the sacred circle of life.

Theme Based Ministry

Our congregation promotes and affirms our 7 principles by drawing on our 6 sources and focusing on a congregation-wide monthly theme. Theme-based ministry is happening in more and more congregations throughout our movement. What is theme-based ministry? According to Rev. Scott Tayler, the UUA’s Director of Congregational Life, theme-based ministry “is a powerfully engaging way of focusing the life of a congregation on monthly themes through worship, religious education, small groups, and other activities.”

Theme-based ministry, sometimes called theme-based church, helps create multigenerational connections, as people of all ages explore common themes in age-appropriate ways. Theme-based ministry extends faith development beyond Sunday morning. Families can continue the conversation in the car ride home or over the dinner table; also, small groups can meet during the week to go deeper with the theme.

Chalice Children (Nursery)

Children ages 6 months – 3 years, loving called our “Chalice Children”.  We will have a nursery available to parents of littles who need space to move around and play during our services.  Please note: Parents of infants and toddlers often like to have their children with them in the sanctuary. We welcome this and assure parents that the noises made by young children are rarely a distraction to others. Sometimes, however, children get restless and need room to crawl around. Our nursery is equipped with a speaker and a window to the sanctuary.

We are currently in a transition period with our Faith Development programming.  Please check back with us for further information or you can reach out to Rev. Elizabeth if you have specific concerns at

Faith Development Team

Our program is coordinated by the Faith Development Team, which is responsible for both long-range planning and short-term action. We have a core group of members who create programming and a wide range of volunteers that carry out our Religious Education vision.

SAFETY We have a “Safe Congregation” policy in place to assure that your children are safe. All of our volunteer teachers undergo a national background check before participating in any of our religious education programs. We invite you to join us on this inspirational adventure as we explore our rich and diverse history, develop a secure sense of individuality, deepen our understanding of the great mystery of life, and explore the world around us!
