Board of Directors
Emily Smith, President
Randy Basden, Vice President
Gene Heater, Secretary
Camellia El-Antably, Treasurer

Carol Bowles, At-Large
Audrey Bunton, At-Large
Vacant, At-Large

Elaine Hayes, Past President

The Role of the Board:
To promote the life of the congregation in healthy, empowering, and compassionate ways;
To enable the congregation to live out its covenant and its mission; to listen and respond to the hopes, dreams, needs, visions, concerns of members of the Congregation;
to listen and respond to the hopes, dreams, needs, visions and concerns of the professional staff as they minister to and with the congregation;
To oversee the practical life of the congregation (stewardship of building, financial and other resources).
Committee on Shared Ministry
Mike Lammers
Laurie Magill
Beth Howard
Lauren Danley
Kayla Lyday

The Role of CoSM:
The Committee on Shared Ministry (CoSM) is responsible for strengthening the quality of total ministry for the Congregation realizing that the ministry of the church is shared and accomplished by lay leaders, members, friends and the professional staff working together. The CoSM does this by assessing, communicating, supporting & nurturing, and making recommendations about UUCC’s ministries.
Investment Committee
Jennifer Goodman
Paul Howard
Garth Shanklin

The Role of Investment:
The Investment Committee invests church cash reserves in longer term investments based on goals set by the Board of Directors and generally includes working to earn higher returns while also making sure there is sufficient cash available to meet operating expenses on an annual basis.  

The Investment Committee invests major gifts for the purpose of producing income through interest.

The Investment Committee evaluates the performance of funds according to intervals with multi-year benchmarks.