“Because the purpose is our shared journey, to undertake in goodwill and a spirit of play….”

Come play pop-up pageant with us this Sunday  as we look at the season through the eyes of our woodland friends!  

No Classes – Cookies and Cocoa Social

Please remember that we have congregants with nut/peanut allergies. Please bring your favorite nut-free cookies for our social. Thank you!
If you have any Joys, Concerns, Personal Congratulations (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Graduations, etc.) that you would like to share with the Congregation, please email the administrator at administrator@uucheyenne.org. The newsletter is published every Wednesday at noon, so submissions must be received by 10am Tuesday morning to be in that week’s newsletter.

Please Note:
  • If you would like your submission to run more than one week, please include that in your email.
  • If you would like your submission included in that Sunday’s Joys and Concerns section of the service, please include this in your email; otherwise it will only be in the newsletter. 
Thank you!
Please note, if you need information posted in Announcements, you must have the information sent to the administrator by noon TUESDAY to be in that week’s Newsletter.

I have not been strict about this to this point; however, it has been detrimental to the timely release of the newsletter in that last couple of weeks.  If I receive your announcement after NOON on TUESDAY, it will be in the following week’s newsletter. 
Important! Please Read!

We have been experiencing a growing issue with peanut residue in the building, especially in the library.  Please, do not bring peanut products into the building, and if your little ones enjoy their peanut butter snacks before coming, please be sure their hands are clean before they touch surfaces used by everyone.  We are seeing almost daily allergic reactions, so we ask you to please be diligent. It may be an inconvenience to you, but it can be life-threatening to those who are allergic. 

Upcoming Events

Everyone will have their choice of one item $10 and under to design and paint however you’d like!
Let’s get creative, have some fun, and hang out.
You must be a registered member of the UUCC Faith Development Program to attend!

Anyone can register!!!!
If you EVER attend ANY youth (ages 6months – 18) event through UUCC please add your name to this list so we have your current contact info, and we can be sure of your medical history, allergies and emergency contact info. 

Register for all UUCC youth programming here:

FAMILY NIGHT! Starting Dec 21. 8PM  – Family board games, card games, puzzles, crafts and coloring for all ages. Food will be provided, but bring a dish to share, keep it “salty and savory” as we endure the bitterness of the longest night. Stay all night visiting and learning about different traditions and cultures.

MORNING GATHERING Dec 22. 7AM Gather your drums, rattles, voice and noise makers to help make a joyful noise to bring the rebirth of Love into the world.
DRUMMING UP THE SUN! Dec 22. 7:21 AM  We start with a song and heartbeat on the lead drum, followed by the Sound from all our hearts as the sun rises blessing us with light!

BREAKFAST Dec 22. 7:30 AM  Sweet foods will be served in celebration of the sweetness of rebirth and to life!

Dec 22. 10 AM Solstice Service. 

This is a Family-friendly Event.  If you have children under 18,  a parent or guardian must be responsible at all times for them. Feel free to bring sleeping bags and pillows for little ones to nap during the night.  NO alcohol, illegal substances, or weapons of any kind. 

This is a multi-faith event. All participants are agreeing to follow the rules and guidelines of all faiths; showing respect to all persons and property. 

We do take pictures during our events, and because of this, we would like a picture-release signed to show consent and respect to all involved. 


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Contact Rachel Elmer @ 801-989-6487 OR Rachel.artz09@gmail.com

Click here to see the calendar of upcoming events at UUCC! 

There will be no Faith Development classes through the month of December. Instead we will share time after service with our whole church family participating in different multi-age events each week. 

Dec. 15 – Holiday Program – Join us during service as we celebrate our annual “Pop Up Pageant”. This year our pageant will look a little different. Come see what we have in store for everyone 🙂 Share cookies in the Social Hall after service. PS we need cookie donations! Please donate if you are willing and able, a dozen or two of your favorite cookies. (NO NUTS).   

Dec 15th – Graffitos Middle-High youth meet for a chance to be creative, chat and have some fun. 1-3pm

Dec. 22 – Celebrate the Winter Solstice with a special Sunday service at UUCC. The Faith Development Committee would like to invite anyone who’s interested in helping to plan this very special service to fill out the form below. You’ll be contacted in the first week of December to set up a meeting time for planning. 

Dec 29th – Buddha Washing – no all church event after service.

 All are Welcome!!!

We still are looking for a volunteer or volunteers to assist in the sound booth on Sunday mornings.  Experience is not necessary: we will train you. We do ask that you commit to a schedule; it doesn’t have to be every Sunday, but we do need to know when you can cover sound. If you or someone you know would be willing to volunteer to help us in this capacity, please contact Rev. Hannah at minister@uucheyenne.org, or Tamra Mabe, our Administrator, at 638-4554 or by email at administrator@uucheyenne.org. Thanks!

Community Events & Information
General Assembly Registration Now Open!

Please Join Us For General Assembly 2020
JUNE 24-28, 2020!
General Assembly is the annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists for conducting business of the Association, exploring the theological underpinnings of our faith, and leaning fully into our mission and principles. Please join us Wednesday, June 24 through Sunday, June 28, 2020 in Providence, Rhode Island for this 5-day immersive experience themed Rooted, Inspired & Ready! Join your faith family at inspirational worship services, informative workshops and a bustling exhibit hall. We anticipate that 4,500+ UUs will gather for this unforgettable experience and leave with renewed energy and innovative ideas for congregational and community engagement.
Registration is Now Open!
Registration is now open at uua.org/ga/registration. Full-time registration is $400 for adults, $250 for high school youth and retired and candidate ministers, $150 for off-site registrants. Early bird registration is now through March 15, 2020. Rates increase on March 16th.
NEW! Registration Payment Plan
Prefer smaller payments over a longer period of time? We’ve designed a payment plan just for you. When you register, simply click “payment plan” when prompted and, for as little as $50 down, you can spread out the balance of your registration over several months. Registration must be paid in full on or before February 29, 2020.
The UUA is committed to the goal of making GA accessible to as many attendees as possible. Go to uua.org/ga to learn about scholarships to support participation – particularly of those from marginalized groups – and volunteer opportunities (work in exchange for registration). The UUA is committed to addressing the inclusion of all people, whatever their abilities might be, in all GA activities. Beyond the physical accessibility of the facilities we use – ramps, captioning, seating cut-outs, etc.- we endeavor to take the next step: to truly welcome people with disabilities into every facet of GA.

Do you need to submit an announcement for the weekly e-mail, UUCC This Week and Beyond… ?

Announcements are categorized under the different sections, including but not limited to:
  1. Announcements (for church-related information),
  2. Upcoming Events (Church events),
  3. Faith Development (children and youth oriented events),
  4. Adult Faith Development,
  5. Careers (Church positions, both Staff and Volunteer opportunities), and
  6. Community Events and Information (non-church, community-interest announcements).
  • Submission deadline for newsletter announcements is Tuesday before 12 pm.
  • Please submit announcements to administrator@uucheyenne.org.
  • Announcements on CD or hand-written/typed announcements should be delivered or mailed to the office and received by the due date.
  • If requested, your announcement will be included in the next Sunday bulletin; however, please remember that space on the printed bulletin is limited, and church events are given priority.
  • Please remember that not all members/friends have or use email.
  • If you are not receiving the weekly e-mail announcements, contact the office.

Do you need to submit an announcement for the Sunday service?

  1. Submission deadline is Sunday 9:00 AM to be read at the beginning of service.
  2. Please submit typed or hand-written announcements to the mailbox labeled Announcements in the hallway of the church.
  3. Announcements are then usually included in the next newsletter.
Our mailing address is:
3005 Thomes Ave.
Cheyenne, WY 82001
(307) 638-4554

Email us!

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